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64% of Denver's homeless population is people in families with children. We are there to help them get back on their feet.

The Lambuth Family Center is a 90-day emergency shelter for families experiencing homelessness in the Denver area. Participating families are provided a private room and three meals a day.

Intensive case management begins as soon as a family is accepted into the program with an assessment that identifies the root causes of homelessness and what needs should be addressed for both parents and children.

The shelter houses, on average, 100 families each year

Emergency shelter is available to families in need and case managers will continue working with the families to meet their goals.

The Lambuth Family Center program operates following a housing first model. From the time a family enters the Center a case manager helps to identify permanent housing options. Lambuth Family Center believes families experiencing homelessness should be returned to permanent housing as quickly as possible and connected to the resources necessary to sustain that housing. Challenges that may have contributed to a household’s homelessness can best be addressed once they are housed. Therefore, every family entering the shelter will have access to the case management needed to obtain permanent, safe, and affordable housing. All families also have access to additional enrichment, education, and community-based opportunities.

Other Ways We Meet Needs